Building design
We design houses, outbuildings, roads and small buildings including their removal, for example:
1999 2 family houses in Svojetice
2000 2 family houses in Svojetice, residential street and documentation for zoning proceedings in Louňovice
2002 2 Family houses in Louňovice, shop, documentation for the Office for 13 family houses
2003 Communication in Srbin, family houses in Nehvizdy and Svojetice
2004 Small buildings, family houses in Svojetice, Pacov and Doubravice
2005 Family houses in Mukařov and Říčany, Public transport stops in Louňovice
2006 Family houses in Kostelec n.L., Újezd n.L. and Svojetice, service communication in Svojetice
2007 Family houses in Stříbrná Skalice, Tehovec and Louňovice, storm sewer in Louňovice and Mukařov
2008 Commercial buildings in Louňovice, family houses in Srbín, Hrusice and Mukařov, small buildings
2009 Commercial buildings in Mnichovice, family houses in Louňovice, Srbín, Struhařov and Svojetice, small buildings in Louňovice
2010 Commercial buildings in Mnichovice and Uhříněves, family houses in Ondřejov, Mnichovice, Svojetice and Louňovice
2011 Family houses in Svojetice, Struhařov, Všechromy
2012 Small buildings, Family houses in Struhařov, Mnichovice and Svojetice
2013 Small buildings and houses in Kaliste, Kozojedy, Svojetice, Strancice and Senohraby
2014 Small buildings and family houses in Kaliště, Louňovice and Svojetice
2015 Family houses in Svojetice, Senohraby and Struhařov
2016 Family houses in Vsechromy and Svojetice
2017 Small buildings and family houses in Svojetice, Šestajovice and Senohraby
2018 Family house in Svojetice and Sedlčany, project documentation for grant applications "Dešťovka" and "New Green Savings"
2019 Production building Ondřejov near Prague, Reconstruction and extension of the farm building Střížov nad Malší, Small events in Svojetice and Mnichovice